Why Should You Do a Microsoft Azure Certification?

Post by Open Colleges on June 25th, 2019

With more organisations adopting the cloud, the demand for IT professionals skilled in cloud computing has skyrocketed. Microsoft Azure was launched in 2010 and has since become one of the top cloud providers; competing with similar services from Amazon and Google. If you work in cloud computing, doing a Microsoft Azure Certification can be a great way to advance your skills.

Not sure if it’s right for you? Here are just a few of the reasons Azure architecture certification could help you further your cloud computing career.

1. Microsoft Azure is easy to adopt and learn

Since most people are already familiar with Microsoft and the Windows operating system, the learning curve for Microsoft Azure isn’t as steep as it might be for other platforms. For IT professionals who already have experience working with Microsoft tools, features such as Azure Automation and Operational Insights will be a lot easier to understand.

Compared to some other cloud service providers, Azure also has better integration capability and can be useful for both businesses and individual developers.

2. Expand your job opportunities

With job opportunities for Microsoft Azure certified candidates steadily growing, it’s a great time for IT professionals to invest in related learning programs. According to reports from Microsoft itself, 95% of Fortune 500 companies are already using MS Azure, and more companies are adopting it every day. So if one of your career goals is to work for a Fortune 500 company, enrolling in an Azure certification course could be a great first step.

3. Stay on top of industry trends

IT is one of the fastest-changing industries today. In order to stay relevant, IT professionals must regularly update their knowledge and credentials. Even if you’re already familiar with Microsoft Azure’s cloud computing platform and services, enrolling in Azure architecture courses can be a great way to keep your knowledge current and stay up-to-date with the latest trends.

4. Enhance your resume

A Microsoft Azure certification can be a great addition to your resume as an IT professional. It not only demonstrates to potential employers that you understand Microsoft Azure, but also that you are willing to take the initiative when it comes to investing in your learning. This can help you stand out amongst other candidates who have similar work experience but haven’t obtained certification.

5. Increase your earnings

If you’re aiming to increase your earnings, a Microsoft Azure certification is a great place to start. One study found that accredited online certifications can increase salaries by 20 to 40 percent. The study also showed that IT professionals who completed IT service and architecture certifications were twice as likely to receive a promotion within six months as those without certifications. So whether you’re a freelancer or salaried professional, an Azure certification could benefit you.

Are you familiar with Microsoft Azure? If so, do you have any thoughts on how Azure certifications might benefit those pursuing a career in cloud computing?  Subscribe to our IT, Programmer and Developer Library to level up your skills.

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By Open Colleges