How Counselling skills can boost your employability and help you excel

Post by Open Colleges on November 23rd, 2021

 A CHC51015 Diploma of Counselling teaches valuable communication skills, such as active listening techniques, non-verbal communication, summarising, empathy, and rapport building skills. The ability to communicate effectively will always be an in-demand skill. It can help you advance in your current career, give you the confidence to ask for what you need, and establish better relationships with even the most challenging workmates.  

This is why the CHC51015 Diploma of Counselling is truly for everyone. It isn’t just for those considering a career as a Counsellor. The course is perfect for anyone wanting to enhance their professional and personal development. It looks impressive on a resume, shows employers initiative, and might even help you advance in your current career, (and personal life!) 

Plus - You might be surprised just how many jobs require counselling skills! Counselling skills can be very handy in your current, or future career. 

Summarising and team-building are essential skills for business meetings

It’s crucial to communicate effectively in business. It’s essential for the success and growth of the organisation, as well as the positive interaction between employees and management. 

A CHC51015 Diploma in Counselling will unlock valuable communication tools. You’ll learn active listening skills, so you can read between the lines, summarising skills, which are useful for business meetings, and rapport building, to help you and your team members feel heard, seen and understood.  

If you’ve done a course in counselling, and you’re not sure which career to consider- why not try a career in business? After all - effective communicators make excellent business leaders.  

If you currently work in business, why not consider upskilling with a counselling course? It will unlock an impressive skillset and might even help you rise through the ranks. Team leaders that communicate in an open, tactful, and transparent way tend to have healthier work atmospheres, employee satisfaction, and corporate success. In fact- the number one factor that influences employee engagement is communication. 

So, if you currently work in a leadership role, you will certainly benefit from learning counselling skills. It will help you lead a team more effectively, as well as build rapport, and increase employee productivity and retention. It could also help you negotiate your contract, and increase your confidence to ask for what you need. 

Building rapport is a useful skill for Disability Support Workers

The best Disability Support Worker has the following qualities: empathy, active listening and communication skills, and the ability to build rapport with clients.  

All of these skills and more are learned in a counselling course. So, if you’re thinking of a career in disability support, maybe consider upskilling with the CHC51015 Diploma of Counselling. It demonstrates to future employers that you have all the skills and knowledge to communicate effectively with future clients. Plus, an in-demand disability support worker is more than just a caregiver. They’re also good listeners, observers, and they provide basic counselling skills to establish a connection with their clients.  

Another key component of disability support is rapport-building. In order for you to build a long-term relationship with a client, it’s essential that they trust you. In a counselling course, you will learn all the skills you need to build long-lasting relationships with vulnerable clients.  

Empathy is also paramount when interacting with clients. To build trust and engagement, it’s important to put yourself in your client’s shoes. A counselling course teaches empathy, as well as the ability to maintain positive relationships.  

Active listening skills are important for Aged Care Workers

An Aged Care Worker can greatly benefit from a counselling course. After all, Aged Care Workers are more than just Carers. They also provide companionship, emotional support, and an ear to listen. In many ways, an Aged Care Worker is a lot like a Counsellor. 

A great Aged Care Worker needs to have clear communication and active-listening skills. Often, an elderly client can feel neglected and overlooked. A good Aged Care Worker pays attention, listens, and intuits what a client needs. Also, communication is key in this sector. Some clients require careful communication due to a cognitive impairment, such as dementia. You will need to communicate appropriately to all sorts of clients, and their particular needs.  

If you’re considering a career in aged care, you’ll make yourself invaluable with a counselling course.  

Mediation and mentoring skills are highly regarded in teaching roles 

A great Teacher is a great mediator, confidant, and motivator. Sound familiar? All of these skills can be developed and enhanced with a counselling course. Whether it’s conflict management, helping students connect with each other, or with you, it’s important to demonstrate clear communication skills. So, if you’re looking to boost your skills as a teacher, then look no further than a counselling course. You’ll learn how to engage better with your students and motivate them more effectively.  

Plus, children sometimes need help being understood. They’re still learning how to communicate properly, and it can be challenging interpreting their needs. The great thing about a counselling course is that it teaches you to read between the lines of what a client is trying to say. This can be an invaluable skill for teachers to learn. When a teacher intuits what a struggling student is trying to say, it results in a happier child and positive learning environment.  

Conflict resolution skills are a must-have for Counsellors

No surprises here! If you want to be a good Counsellor, the skills that matter most are: empathy, active listening, and communication. In the CHC51015 Diploma of Counselling  course, you will learn how to communicate effectively, allowing you to establish and maintain relationships, resolve issues and find direction for clients through unbiased guidance and support. Learning the main counselling methodologies, you will be able to apply them in real-life scenarios and be equipped with all the necessary skills to get a very rewarding job as a Case Worker, a Counsellor, or an Intake Counsellor

Plus, counselling has a very strong projected growth. Employability after completing a counselling course is high. Full-time workers on an adult wage earn around $1,584 per week.  

A counselling course can boost employability. It shows that you’ve learned great communication skills and proves that you’re someone who goes beyond what is asked of them. A counselling course unlocks many valuable skills that are easily transferrable across a variety of careers.

Boost your employability today by enrolling in the CHC51015 Diploma of Counselling 

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