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5 tips on how to balance studying while working full-time

Online study is a great choice for people who are currently working full time because it provides you with the flexibility you need to study anytime, anywhere. However, juggling work and study can become quite tricky!
Here are our 5 quick tips on balancing studying with full-time work.
Find your comfort zone
Where you study is just as important as how you study. Find your ideal comfort zone where you feel comfortable and calm and in the zone. This could be a quiet corner in your bedroom or even your local library. Ideally, it should be free from distractions so you can truly focus and get the most out of your study session.
Also, some people much prefer to study in the morning, and others can only focus late at night. Figure out which works best for you and stick to the same schedule.
Plan ahead
Now that you’ve found the right study space, you need to plan ahead and maximise those study sessions! Prioritise your tasks, set goals, and break your study into smaller sized chunks. This way, you’ll be less overwhelmed, and more committed to following through.
Consider buying a journal and making a to-do list for the week. Prioritising and planning is your best protection against deadlines creeping up on you. Start your bigger assignments earlier, and make sure your day job isn’t neglected by marking any company meetings or work deadlines coming up so they don’t conflict with your study plans.
Speak up
Balancing full-time work and study isn’t easy. Make sure to utilise all the help you can get! Your Trainers and Assessors are there to help you, so make use of their knowledge. As an OC student, you're never without help when you need it. Whether you need help managing your studies, or have specific questions about your course, we have real people who can help.
With OC, you'll have access to four kinds of support - Trainers and Assessors, Student Support, Learning Support and Academic Support.
And make sure to be open and honest with your employer. By giving them the heads up that you’re studying, and remaining committed and dedicated to your job, you might even be able to negotiate some time off if you need it. Or you could discuss the options of flexible shifts if you’re struggling to juggle both work and study.
Look after yourself
To perform at your peak, stick to a healthy eating plan and get a little exercise each day. It can’t all be work and no play. Plus, physical exercise is a great stress reliever! Why not reward yourself after a study session with a walk around the block, to boost your endorphins and get your blood pumping. When you’re finished, dedicate some time just for you. Chill out at home, put your feet up, and allow yourself to rest.
Stay connected but prepare for less social life
If you’re working full-time and studying, you’ll soon find that you have less time to devote to friendships and family than usual. But take heart! It’s not going to stay like this forever. Have a chat to your loved ones and let them know you might not be as available as usual but be sure to check in on them by facetiming or calling them as often as you can. Just because you can’t see them as often, doesn’t mean you can’t stay connected.
Understand that this is a time of sacrifice. But soon enough, you will have reached your goals, and you’ll get your social life back. Keep fighting. Keep going. You’ll get there!